Hedges 3-Pack II
3 CDs
American Sadism
The great 20th-century Irish poet William Butler Yeats wrote, "We had fed the heart on fantasies, The heart’s grown brutal from the fare." The United States has long fed its heart with fairy tales about itself. Hardly a day goes by without some new story being spun about our noble intentions, benevolence and devotion to international law. American sadism is not something new. Just ask indigenous peoples and Blacks or the Vietnamese and Iraqis. Chris Hedges warns, “The violence and exploitation, which has long defined imperial projects now defines existence at home. For empires in the end, cannibalize themselves. The tyranny we long imposed on others, we now impose on ourselves. The dark pleasure derived from exploiting others is all that is left.” Recorded at the Sanctuary for Independent Media.
Beyond the Politics of Despair
Despair. We all experience it. It can lead to demoralization. What’s the antidote? Engagement. Finding kindred spirits and acting collectively. Building bonds of solidarity. Working toward the common good. John Lewis, long-time Georgia Congressperson and civil rights icon had this advice: “Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Be hopeful, be optimistic. Our struggle is not the struggle of a day, a week, a month, or a year, it is the struggle of a lifetime. Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble.” Recorded at the Sanctuary for Independent Media.
Trump & the Christian Right
Talk about an odd couple. The 45th president and the Christian right. For the president, renowned for his wayward ways, the support from some of the mega-churches and their high priests form a key part of his base. According to a Pew poll, over 80% of white evangelicals said they will vote for the current occupant of the Oval Office. The Christian right looks the other way when confronted with the facts. For them, it’s all about opposing same-sex marriage and abortion, funding religious-based schools, ensuring right-wing judges are appointed, and embracing nationalism, militarism and imperialism. There is enough hypocrisy to fill many bookshelves. Just see Jerry Falwell, Jr. Sometimes it’s hard to keep the faith. Recorded at Colgate University.

Chris Hedges
Chris Hedges is an award-winning independent journalist who has covered the Middle East for many years. Noam Chomsky says, “Chris Hedges has compiled a remarkable record of reporting and analysis. He has been an incomparable source of insight and understanding, both in his outstanding career as a courageous journalist and in his penetrating commentary on world events.” He is the host of The Chris Hedges Report and the author of many books. His latest is The Greatest Evil is War.
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