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Trump & the Christian Right
Chris Hedges
Talk about an odd couple. The 45th president and the Christian right. For the president, renowned for his wayward ways, the support from some of the mega-churches and their high priests form a key part of his base. According to a Pew poll, over 80% of white evangelicals said they will vote for the current […]
Inverted Totalitarianism
Chris Hedges
The wedding of state and corporate power is at unprecedented levels. The implications for democracy are ominous. Elections are formalities, often more like auctions to be sold to the highest bidder. There is no proportional representation. In a winner take all system the Dems and Repubs got the game all sewed up. And their sponsors […]
Corporations vs. People
Paul Cienfuegos
The Citizens United Supreme Court decision gave corporations a green light to secretly funnel in as much money as they want to elect candidates. The justices in their supreme wisdom have once again privileged corporations over citizens. The results have been dramatic. Even with a weak economy a record amount of cash has flooded political […]
The Societal Impact of Inequality
David Cay Johnston
The U.S. has the dubious distinction of being the most unequal of all developed countries. The gaps between rich and poor have not been seen since the Gilded Age over a century ago. The one-tenth of one percent is loaded with stocks, bonds, hedge funds, cash and property. The respected business journalist Martin Wolf writes, […]
Toward an Ecological Civilization
David Korten
Will Rogers, a famous U.S. humorist once said, “If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.” Good advice. Wish that it were heeded when it comes to climate change. Scott Pruitt, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency, says, “there’s tremendous disagreement” about climate change. Is there? The scientific consensus is close to 100%. […]
Corporations, Communities & the Environment
Thomas Linzey
Communities across the country, trying to stop a wide range of threats and unwanted projects such as gas drilling and fracking, mining, pipelines, factory farming, sewage sludging, landfills, coal shipments and GMOs, all run into the same problem: they don’t have the legal authority to say “no” to them. With their high priced lawyers and […]
Ending Corporate Rule
Paul Cienfuegos
Modern corporations trace their origins to the trading companies of imperial Europe more than three centuries ago. Their rise in power and influence has been a steady trajectory to the point where today they are the dominant institution in society. Governments have freed corporations from legal constraints through deregulation, and granted them even greater power […]
American Sadism
Chris Hedges
The great 20th-century Irish poet William Butler Yeats wrote, “We had fed the heart on fantasies, The heart’s grown brutal from the fare.” The United States has long fed its heart with fairy tales about itself. Hardly a day goes by without some new story being spun about our noble intentions, benevolence and devotion to international law. […]
Naked Capitalism
Richard Wolff
Through its myriad booms and busts, capitalism manages to roll with the punches and emerge standing. We are constantly told: it’s the only show in town. Do you want the old Soviet Union? No way. But can’t we imagine an economic system that is responsive to the needs of people and our precious planet rather […]
Hiroshima to Fukushima
Helen Caldicott
The disaster at Fukushima has thrust the dangers of nuclear power back in people’s consciousness. The idea of an industry renaissance had been carefully orchestrated by corporations that stand to make tons of money. Politicians, ever mindful of who funds their campaigns, have gone along. It was hailed as a clean and safe solution to […]
Incarceration Nation
Michelle Alexander
From the auction block to the cell block there is a trajectory from slavery to Jim Crow to the Drug War. The latter has resulted in mass jailings characterized by deep racial disparities. About one-third of young black men are likely to go to jail. The criminal justice system functions as a contemporary system of […]
Distress Signals from Earth
Paul Ehrlich
A steady stream of reports on the deterioration of the environment is issued. There is a brief flurry of media coverage. The corporate-funded climate change deniers make counterclaims. We wake briefly to the crisis then most of us lapse into a couch potato stupor. Neoliberal dogma and an almost mystical belief in capitalism make it […]